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"We're fed up!" demo on 21.1.23: "Good food for all!"

WHES23_680x453_Moehre_400x266-equal.jpg60 organisations from agriculture and society are calling for the "We're fed up!" demonstration on 21 January. The GRÜNE LIGA is taking part. The slogan of the 2023 agricultural turnaround demonstration is "Good food for all - instead of profits for a few". Thousands of people are expected to march through Berlin's government quarter to kick off the world's largest agricultural trade fair, the Green Week, in support of consistent climate protection, species-appropriate animal husbandry, the preservation of biodiversity and global solidarity.

Climate crisis, food poverty, dying farms - the list of failures in agricultural, social and environmental policy is long. The balance sheet after one year of traffic light government is sobering and can be summarised as "too slow and too little". The "We're fed up!" alliance demands more speed in the socially just agricultural and food transition. In concrete terms, this means: fair producer prices for farms and the food trade, as well as much more support for those affected by poverty, so that they can afford fairly and sustainably produced, healthy food. 


The pandemic and the Russian war of aggression against Ukraine show how important climate-friendly and future-proof agriculture is. Currently, around 60 per cent of arable land in the country is used for animal feed and another 13 per cent is used for biogas. We need much more plant-based food for people and to preserve the farms that provide us with good food. Therefore, one of the core messages of the demonstration is: Plate instead of trough and tank!

Event notice
"We are fed up!" demonstration: "Good food for all - instead of profits for a few!"
Time: Saturday, 21 January 2023, from 12.00 p.m.
Place: Brandenburg Gate, Platz des 18. März, 10117 Berlin

The #WHES23 demands:

  • Stop the death of farms - enforce fair producer prices and support farms in climate-friendly and species-appropriate conversion!
  • Tax the profits of the crisis - excess profits tax also for agricultural and food companies and much more support for those affected by poverty!
  • Combat the climate crisis and the extinction of species - reduce VAT to put more plant-based food on our plates and ensure pesticide-free habitats for insects!
  • Preserve rural animal husbandry - with fewer animals kept in a species-appropriate manner!
  • End hunger and stop agro-genetic engineering - ban speculation on food, fair trade and good, GMO-free food for all!

To the appeal
Every year in January, thousands of farmers, food artisans, animal, environmental and nature conservationists, activists for global solidarity, committed young people and many more demonstrate in Berlin under the slogan "We are fed up with the agricultural industry! Together they stand up for an agriculture in which animals are kept in a species-appropriate way, the environment and climate are protected, farmers receive fair prices for their food and all people can afford healthy food.
Further information: www.wir-haben-es-satt.de 

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