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Announcement August 2022: "Tour de Natur" on the road this year in the Rhine region, the Middle Rhine and Frankfurt/Hanau

ausfahrt_wesertunnel_1_stefan_foerster_datenreduziert_p7290471_400x300-equal.jpgTour de Natur" wants to offer a cycling tour again this summer. The route will lead from the Rhenish lignite mining area via the Middle Rhine to Frankfurt/Hanau. The cyclists are expected to be on the road from 2 to 13 August 2022. The planning is still in its infancy. People from the region who would like to support this year's tour can contact the organisation using the form below.

In August 1991, Frank Tober of the Suhl district branch of the Green League initiated the first bicycle protest action against the Thuringian Forest Motorway at short notice. The 30 or so participants wanted to draw the public's attention to the ecological and social consequences of the new motorway construction and discuss environmentally compatible solutions. The cyclists stayed overnight in gardens and catered for themselves. Already at the second edition in summer 1992, three times as many people took part.

And recalcitrantly, "Tour de Natur" has sided with environmental activists year after year since then, taking up issues of transport, energy and peace policy. The two-week demo bike tour is organised entirely on a voluntary, grassroots basis and with a certain amount of creative chaos. People from all over Germany and from the respective region bring together many ideas and reinvent the tour every year. Since then, the number of participants has leveled off at 150 cyclists daily.



80. Jahrestag zur Zerstörung Dresdens
13 February 2025
17:00 -
14 February 2025
12:00 -
Naturmarkt in Tharant
15 February 2025
09:00 - 13:00
Rundwanderung "Verborgene Schätze"
16 February 2025
10:00 -
You are here: Home Englisch Announcement August 2022: "Tour de Natur" on the road this year in the Rhine region, the Middle Rhine and Frankfurt/Hanau