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World Water Day 2023 - Watermark Demo Monbijouplatz, 22.03.2023, 5pm



World Water Day demonstration

~ For water purification, water conservation and water justice ~ 
When: 22 March 2023, 5:00 p.m.
Starting point: Monbijouplatz, 10178 Berlin
End point: Fluss Bad Garten, Sperlingsgasse corner Friedrichsgracht, 10178 Berlin.


We all love water. We all need water. And we all care about water. On the occasion of World Water Day and the opening of the United Nations Water Conference on 22 March, we are making a collective statement for the protection of our natural resources, the responsible use of the element of water, the cleaning and keeping clean of our natural waters, the rediscovery of our rivers as axes of life and development and the creation of equitable access to the common good of water.


Water bodies and riverside paths belong to the city. Therefore, we demand their public welfare-oriented recovery for the urban society. Measures already undertaken to keep the inner-city Spree and the adjacent canals clean must be synchronised and continued. Berlin must further intensify its efforts to comply with the European Water Framework Directive.

On the occasion of the ongoing coalition negotiations in Berlin, we demand that politicians duly include water protection in their agenda and actively commit to it.
The call for the demonstration is deliberately formulated in such an open way that diverse actors with specific focal points and demands can find each other.

This first water sign demonstration in 2023 is to be repeated annually on World Water Day in Berlin in order to set a collective example with as many Berlin water actors as possible. Interested supporters are welcome to actively participate as partners.

Come in numbers, come in blue, come demanding and make a water mark!

You are here: Home WATER Events World Water Day 2023 - Watermark Demo Monbijouplatz, 22.03.2023, 5pm